Want to know the big difference between sales and marketing that works and sales and marketing that doesn’t? It’s all about addressing your customer’s pain points. And if you don’t identify what those pain points are, all you are doing is creating solutions for non-existent problems.
Customers buy when you prove you can make something they find difficult easier, show you can eliminate an obstacle that’s kept them from having what they want, or found a solution to a concern that’s at the forefront of their minds.
Use these tips to assess what your customer really wants and needs:
- Understand His Goals
Practice active listening, maintain eye contact, and suspend any response until you have all the information required. Even though the customer may not say something that gives you the chance to sell, he may present an opportunity for you to offer advice. This allows you to establish your credibility and thought-leadership to the prospect.
- Find the Cause
Speed past the symptoms of your customer’s problem and identify the cause by asking “What’s making your life difficult?” or “What’s keeping you from getting what you want?” Once you know what the barriers or problems are, you can start coming up with a plan to help.
- Address the Unknown
Rapidly assessing a client’s situation can sometimes lead to unshared information. Never be afraid to ask, “What do I still need to know or what should I ask that I haven’t?”