Incognito Journal

Four Goals of Employee Performance Evaluations

Employee performance review: It’s a phrase that even the best employees and managers often dread.

While the whole process is supposed to be a useful assessment of an employee’s strengths and weaknesses, all too often employee evaluations serve as little more than a human resources requirement. Managers may view them as a way to check off boxes rather than gleaning valuable insights from the conversations.    

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Three Key Methods for Acquiring and Retaining Clients

The U.S. real estate industry generates over $1 trillion in revenue annually, according to IBISWorld Industry Reports. It’s a massive and competitive sector made all the more so by ever-shifting technology that can allow sales agents to be either more competitive … or irrelevant.

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Trial Closing "Could this work for you?"

Trial Closing

"Could this work for you?"

As a child, I loved listening to my grandmother talk about life in the late 1800's, and as I approached my teen years, was fascinated by her stories of how young people "courted" in those days.  As was typical of proper ladies in the Deep South at the time, dating took place on the front porch swing in the company of her rather large family.  My grandparents kissed for the very first time when they were pronounced man and wife!

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Become A Sales Enthusiast

When I evaluate a salesperson's performance I become a virtual participant, much like a die-hard sports fan on Sunday afternoon. Sometimes I'm a cheerleader; sometimes I'm the coach, and more often than not, I'm a little overzealous.  Case in point:  While watching a new home video shop my family once thought our youngest had mastered the potty when I shouted, "Yes!  She DID it!  I'm so PROUD of her!"  You could've cut the disappointment with a knife when they realized a sale had been closed. 

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In Sales, Attitude Is Everything, or Is It?

Attitude Is Everything... you've heard this before, but what does that mean? And is it really all that important?

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How Body Language Can Make or Break Your Sale

Have you ever wondered why you lost a sale you thought was "in the bag?" If you're like most salespeople, you probably have. And have you given any thought into why? Again, you probably have; however, there's one area that's often overlooked when it comes to self-evaluation while trying to determine how and why you lost any given sale—body language.

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Could We Have Your Attention Please!

Sales Etiquette

No prospective buyer should ever leave a  home builder's sales office feeling like they just attended the annual Tour of Homes, yet that's exactly how I felt after visiting a new home community in an upscale suburb of Dallas.

When I arrived, the salesman, Greg, was so absorbed in reading a text message that he greeted me without looking up from his phone and muttered, "Just a sec," as he sent a lengthy reply.

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Several weeks ago, I arrived early for a meeting with a client and caught myself mentally evaluating a salesperson who appeared to be winding up his presentation.  During a lull in their conversation, I heard the prospective buyer tell the agent he was ready to go to contract.  "I really do like what I've seen here," he said, "I love the floor plan, the golf course is perfect, and I can't imagine a more ideal home site."

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It was the summer of 1989 when our daughters grew three inches taller and abandoned their skateboards in favor of nail polish, curling irons, and shoes.  Our family was growing and changing. We were clearly outgrowing our home.   Before long the girls would need larger closets and an area to entertain friends.  We would need our own space, separate from the rest of the home, where we could relax and escape late night giggles during sleepovers.

Back then, before Internet was a household word or Google a twinkle in its founders' eyes, we turned to the Real Estate section of our local newspaper to find out which builders were within our price range, then spent the next several weekends visiting one busy sales office after another. 

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A shared passion for golf and fast cars creates an instant connection with your customer resulting in a dynamic presentation and strong buying signals.  You ask if he has questions or concerns.  He can't think of any.  You confirm that everything meets his needs.  But when you ask for the sale, the guy you thought you'd read so well delivers a surprise ending.  "I need to think about it."

Whether you've been selling for 30 minutes or 30 years, you've encountered buyers who never make a decision without mulling it over.

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