Smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops, smartwatches. The technology sphere teems with devices to keep us constantly connected. And while you may be on your A-game when it comes to Internet marketing, do you know what you’re doing with mobile marketing?
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Serendipity happens. Something as simple as small talk in an elevator or a chance meeting in a coffee shop can turn into a career-changing event when you find yourself in an unexpected engagement with a prospective client.
Read More ...In the daily hustle of running a business, it’s easy to overlook the importance of company culture. You may even think that compared to making sales quotas, assessing customer satisfaction, and building new business, culture is a pretty low priority... if it’s a priority at all.
Read More ...It’s hard to make a sale if you don’t have clear and open lines of communication and an understanding of clients’ and prospects’ needs and feelings. Rapport building is key to long-term relationships. Here’s how to start building it:
Read More ...When your sales personnel meet or exceed quotas, you know they’re doing their job, but what about when they don’t, or what about when they’re not regularly making an effort to go above and beyond? How do you go deeper than the numbers to see what’s really driving (or depleting) performance? Here are some ideas:
Read More ...The U.S. real estate industry generates over $1 trillion in revenue annually, according to IBISWorld Industry Reports. It’s a massive and competitive sector made all the more so by ever-shifting technology that can allow sales agents to be either more competitive … or irrelevant.
Read More ...Anyone can become a salesperson; however, it's that little something special highly effective salespeople have that makes them so successful. If you study successful salespeople, you will find they all display some common characteristics and use some of the same types of sales tactics. What does that mean for you? Well, it means if you want to be a successful salesperson, you should learn the tactics highly successful salespeople use then imitate them while adding some of your own personality and spin to things.
Read More ...Attitude Is Everything... you've heard this before, but what does that mean? And is it really all that important?
Read More ...Have you ever wondered why you lost a sale you thought was "in the bag?" If you're like most salespeople, you probably have. And have you given any thought into why? Again, you probably have; however, there's one area that's often overlooked when it comes to self-evaluation while trying to determine how and why you lost any given sale—body language.
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